Planete Sonic Forums

L'Atelier Fan Area => Sprites => Discussion démarrée par: amy_ichigo le Juin 07, 2006, 10:33:32 pm

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: amy_ichigo le Juin 07, 2006, 10:33:32 pm
ok...bonjour, je suis nouvelle et je ne parle pas tres bie français...voila ma b.d:(

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: Iname le Juin 08, 2006, 08:51:13 am
I guess you're talking English, right ?

First, welcome to PSoF  :o

Thank you for having told that you're not speaking French well. Concerning your BD, which seems to be a Hoaxe, there are some problems.

Indeed, the colour of the text is not very appropriated, we cannot really read what is written. Then, there is too much spaces between each case  :(

I would advise you to seek for some topics of hoaxes over here, in order to progress  :wink:

Here are some examples. Keep going !'hoaxenon-officiele)n%b07.GIF'hoaxenon-officiele)n%b08.GIF

(from Switch)

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: rayman18 le Juin 08, 2006, 11:08:13 am
that is a great B.D but like he says chage the color of the police
continue!!!! you got a great idea
I want to see the next episode

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: Switch le Juin 08, 2006, 01:36:38 pm
bof... your sprite comic can be better. how? make words ballons. but this sprite is funny!
yay! iname a pris mon hoaxe en exemple!
translate : yay! iname tooks my hoaxe in exemple!(escuse my english...)

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: amy_ichigo le Juin 08, 2006, 09:14:51 pm
je ne suis pas la meiller spriter...désole. mais jai fais une autre comic, avec rouge et tails brulant XD!
l'ecriture est plus brillante sur selle ci.
and yes...I am an anglophone from Toronto.
and thanks for the comment and crits, they really help!

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: Metal chaos le Juin 08, 2006, 09:38:39 pm
I've just a question (sorry for error :lol: ): You do that by machine or by hand-drawing???( I know, that surely a stupid question...)  If you do that by hand-drawing, your so good... I'l will alive (I'm not if what I say is good, just for say is "envie" the words... Sorry if is not good :wink: ) you... Lucky...

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: amy_ichigo le Juin 08, 2006, 10:11:07 pm
Citation de: "Metal chaos"
I've just a question (sorry for error :lol: ): You do that by machine or by hand-drawing???( I know, that surely a stupid question...)  If you do that by hand-drawing, your so good... I'l will alive (I'm not if what I say is good, just for say is "envie" the words... Sorry if is not good :wink: ) you... Lucky...

eu...c'est un sprite comic. alors c'est un dessin par ordinateur...est ce que c'est sa que tu demendais?

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: Switch le Juin 09, 2006, 11:14:42 am
the lastest was better. but i haven't understood the humour at the end... but the sprite comic is good. good luck.

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: white le Juin 09, 2006, 12:06:50 pm
I think is because Rouge cannot say what she want say to Knuckles

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: rayman18 le Juin 09, 2006, 02:16:55 pm
Good continue like tath it's funny and I laugh with nothing so I love your hoax and why does rouge jump at the end?

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: Iname le Juin 09, 2006, 03:29:02 pm

Hey, les Anglophones du dimanche, c'est pas la peine de poster en Anglais si vous ne savez même pas formuler une phrase de trois mots correctement.

Titre: mes sprite comics
Posté par: gros_tonny le Juin 09, 2006, 04:32:35 pm
Au pire, je vous proposerai de faire un topic spécialisé dans la langue anglaise... Mais mieux vaut dans ces conditions demander aux administrateurs.

Your sprite is average. In fact, all people can do the same thing. Of course and I said many times, I'm very bad to judge sprites and other drawings like this. In my opinion, go to explore this area and you'll see, many topics talk about sprites, comic sprites, something like that. Then, is not very original. And, the landscape you used in your comic is too famous.
if you can, try to do other thing or if you want to continue, try to improve your capacities in this domain.

I forgot: Welcome to planete-sonic and Good luck :wink: