Mais tu as toi meme dit que ce jeu est dans kle genre Ace Attorney !
Donc c'est une aventure textuelle non ?
Bah... J'pense qu'il y a des textes qui disent où aller et que faire... J’ai joué d'instinct. ^^"
Bah tu sais, t'as pas besoin des dialogues pour finir le jeu.
Pour finir le jeu, d'accord, pour comprendre l'histoire, pas d'accord.
Sur ce point, je suis d'accord avec toi.
La seule histoire que j'ai compris, c'est celle de Sissel.
EDIT : On a les dates de sorties maintenant.
Ace Attorney fans have been really enthusiastic about Layton vs Ace Attorney those past few days, but that's not a reason to forget about Ghost Trick, Shu Takumi's (Ace Attorney creator) new game! Indeed, the game is finally going to be released in early January 2011 outside Japan. To be more precise: on the 11th of January in the US, and on the 14th in Europe. That's pretty much the same thing as for Ace Attorney Investigation, except that this time, Nintendo is the distributor (at least in Europe). That also means the game will get a bit more advertised than AAI was, as they're the ones who will advertise the game in Europe.
Donc :
USA : 11 Janvier 2011
EU : 14 Janvier 2011