Il y a eu plein de manga Sonic...officiels et non officiels.
Celui-ci étant un des plus anciens:
A series of "Sonic the Hedgehog" comics begins appearing in Shogaku Yonensei (fourth-grade student) magazine, a long-running children's publication from Shogakukan. The manga, written by Kenji Terada and illustrated by Sango Morimoto, centers around the young hedgehog boy Nikki, who, through power granted by God, is able to transform into the superhero Sonic the Hedgehog. With his buddy Tails, he fights against the evil ambitions of Dr. Eggman. Nikki's "real world" friends include his pal Little John, his girlfriend Amy (a prototype for Amy Rose as we know her today), a lizard bully named Anton Beruuka with his pet Mad, Charmy Bee (a prototype for the Charmy that would later appear in Chaotix), and Nikki's family: Brenda (his mother), Paulie (his father), and Anita (his little sister).
(J'en ai pourtant parlé dans un topic, dans "old school" :roll: )
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