Bon, je vais me taper les 28 pages de discussion du forum an anglais. Je vais citer au fur et à mesure que je trouve des nouvelles choses, qui évidemment, sont officieuses, mais confirmées pour certaines. Voyant que certains s'impatientent, je vais leur rendre service lol.
"Fine, is Super Sonic playable only in the FINAL final boss fight?
As far as he could tell, yes. There are three final bosses that you fight consecutively - Sonic / Werehog Vs. Eggman, Super Werehog Vs. Dark Gaia, and Super Sonic Vs. the Super Form of Dark Gaia (think Perfect Chaos and the Emeralds' positive and negative attributes).
can you get your friend to take a picture of fang on his tv with his camera?
I'll ask and see if he can.
Think you could list the levels for us, if possible please?
Each location is loosely based on a real-world area of the seven continents. As you could guess, a shrine is located on each continent. After that, there's the goal of tackling Eggman's Space Base, and (if you play your cards right) the Center of the Earth.
I also wouldn't mind if Mighty returned, but that most likely won't happen.
No Mighty, the only character coming back from the recycle bin is Fang. According to him, Sega wants to be as selective as possible when bringing back scrapped characters - After the Chaotix trio, Fang was the most requested for a comeback.
Is there any kind of multiplayer mode, or hidden way to play multiplayer?
I haven't been told that there is, but I'll ask next time I see him.
Me and my bro always played through the games with Me controlling sonic and him controlling Tails.
Oh, if you mean that type of multiplayer, I think you can control Tick, but don't quote me on that.
Oh, and, Is the game good? Does it seem like something that will give Sonic at least a year of Fame?
My friend calls it the "next Super Mario Galaxy." So yes, that means it's quite good, perhaps the best three dimensional Sonic game yet.
And how does Fang "reach the final emerald before Sonic", when I'm pretty sure Sonic still has the emeralds at the start?
He only had them in the opening. The Emeralds naturally scattered once again. It's Sonic's job to get them again and place them in shrines. When Fang actually touches the final Emerald, though, he transforms since it was last used to change Sonic (yes, there's a Were-Fang battle). Only Sonic or Dark Gaia / Chaos Golem can touch them without any further effects."
En somme, il dit qu'il y a trois bosses de fin à combattre à la suite. Sonic/werehog vs eggman, Super Werehog vs Dark Gaia, et super sonic contre la super forme de Dark Gaia. Ce qui contredit son premier post disant que Dark Gaia n'a qu'une seule forme.
Les émeraudes sont dispersées sur les 7 continents.
Nack ou Fang aurait été choisi parce qu'il a été le personnage le plus plébiscité par les fans (après la Chaotix). Perso j'y crois toujours pas, m'enfin...
Il dit que l'on pourrait contrôler Tick/Chick (très louche).
Son ami a appelé le jeu "le nouveau Mario Galaxy", faut croire que c'est plutôt excellent.
Enfin, Nack (ou Fang) atteint la dernière émeraude avant Sonic et se transforme en Were-Fang (ça me paraît du flan).
My friend works at the local walmart and he got this game early as well. Thing is I watched him play it and I am surprised you didn't mention the part where Sonic swims in Eggman's sewers filled with feces.
Une autre personne a un ami qui a pu tester le jeu en avant-première. Ça pourrait corroborer la version de BaddieBowser.
Tick - While he seems to help Sonic out of nowhere (he's basically this game's Omochao, except way more useful and he occasionally helps fight enemies if you go out of your way to find him), you find out he's connected with the Dark Gaia. In truth, he is the judgment of the Dark Gaia, which was separated from his mind when Eggman started using him for evil (yes, appearances are that deceiving).
Dark Gaia - While Eggman knows him only as a legendary beast that sleeps under the planet, he's actually related to Chaos - He was once a God and defender of the Echidnas rather than the Chao. Back then, he was known as the Light Gaia, their Holy Protector. However, when the Echidnas started exhibiting warlike behavior, he didn't want to fight his "brother" Chaos, and instead chose to forsake his chosen people by putting himself to sleep. Tick slowly reveals all of the story.
Fang - He's just hired with the promise from Eggman that Sonic is collecting the Chaos Emeralds, and he's willing to pay a lot of money for them. He basically goes around trying to track Sonic the whole game. After he's transformed, there's a boss battle and Sonic collects the final Emerald, reverting him to normal and knocking him unconscious. Ironically, after the Eggman fight in Center of the Earth, it's he who gathers all of Sonic's friends to the place and has a lucky shot destroying Eggman's beam device, realizing at last that the Emeralds are more than simple money-making ploys... But in the process, the device goes out of control and transforms Sonic into a Werehog "permanently" (until he absorbs the positive energies of the Emeralds).
Informations de BB sur quelques nouveaux personnages. Ce qui faut retenir c'est que Tick (ou peu importe comment il s'appelle) est une part de la conscience de Dark Gaia qui s'est détachée après que Eggman a commencé à l'utiliser à ses malfaisantes fins. Que Dark Gaia était à une époque le gardien des émeraudes, avec ou avant Chaos. De peur qu'il n'ait à combattre son confrère Chaos dû à la belligérance des Echidnés, il est entré en hibernation de son propre gré. Pour ce qui est de Nack, je ne trouve pas ces infos vraiment essentielles, et en plus ça devient du gros méchant spoiler, et je suis contre ça.
Bon, ensuite BB raconte la fin du jeu, mais je ne vais pas la poster ici, parce qu'à un tel point de spoiling, c'est plus du tout drôle. En tout cas, les fans l'ayant lue sont très satisfaits.
Ecrivant ce post au fil des pages que je lis, certains choses me font bien rire, car si grosses que même un aveugle paraplégique pourrait les rater. E.g., lorsque ce BB dit qu'il va prendre des capture d'écrans chez son ami, mais que, comme si on s'y attendait pas, il n'a pas les "moyens techniques" de prendre en photo son écran (il faut pas oublier que les appareils photo sont un luxe extrême en ces jours, essayez de comprendre... ::))
Wow, this is so fake.
As a maker of hoaxes myself (Nin10dough if anyone remembered that on the Brawl boards) I find yours to be extremely poor.
Fang the Sniper = Nack the Wheasel. So if your getting NSTC info... Fail.
He's ripping off Sonic Tripple Trouble's storyline/ Sonic Adventure with craptastic presentation.
Well I might as well list my greivances before I go all tl;dr
Reasons why this is false:
1. "Werehog with the promise that he can get the Emeralds from his dead body"
We are talking about Sonic. Thats much to morbid to be in a Sonic game. Sega wouldn't ever repeat the train wreck known as Shadow The Hedgehog.
2. It has been stated that there will be no major character changes. Using "Fang" would be a contradiction to a previous statement made about the game.
3. Chaos Golem? Enough said. This whole awakening accidentally and losing control is far to cliche of a Sonic Plot, even for Sonic Team. Chaos Golem is not only a stupid, uncreative, and unepic adversary but it seems far too similar to Chaos from Sonic Adventure.
There is proof that the force hinted at is a DRAGON. Research a bit first before your next attention whoring hoax.
4. Your User Rank and overall presentation.
Un utilisateur qui avoue lui même faire de fausses révélations affirme que tout cela est faux. Il fait référence à une phrase de BB dans un de ses précédents posts, ce serait trop morbide pour un jeu Sonic (lisez la phrase). Ensuite, et comme je l'avais prévu :P, le retour de Fang, qui semble totalement absurde puisque les créateurs ont dit qu'il n'y aurait pas de grands bouleversements dans les personnages. Ensuite, il en vient à l'appelation Chaos Golem qui est parfaitement erronée, la seule explication serait qu'il l'ait inventée en espérant faire croire pas mal de gens que ce serait le nom officiel.
Je vous laisse cogiter là-dessus, néanmoins, il semble que les premières révélations de BB se révélèrent assez justes.
Encore un petit post qui contredit en quelque sorte les les affirmations de Baddie Bowser.
Voilà, ça s'arrête là, néanmoins,
il n'y a pas de preuves concrètes que BB ait menti ou inventé. Je vous laisse là-dessus, il y aura sûrement de ceux qui croiront, d'autres pas. J'ai également sauté beaucoup de révélations qui pourraient gâcher le jeu. Maintenant je vais dormir <.<