TADAAA! Nouvelle update du STH2006 Project (ouais ça s'appelle comme ça maintenant) :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDD3LALVAGMPerso moi je trouve ça magnifique. Déjà on a Crisis City reproduit presque à l'identique et en plus jouable grâce au moteur de Sonic Generations, mais en plus on a carrément un HUB WORLD pour cette partie de l'histoire dans le futur. Je sais pas comment il a fait pour faire un hub world à part de Soleanna, mais il l'a fait, et c'est putain de fucking awesome.
Au passage je voudrait réagir sur un post d'un certain Neko Sol sur Sonic Retro, qui a parlé de ce mod ainsi :
It's starting to seem to me that this project only exists so that you can prove you're capable of making it happen. Trying to recreate every aspect of Sonic 06 in Sonic Generations' engine might be impressive to some extent, but you're still porting a bad game. If you wanted to port a bad game, or more importantly a game with flaws, and make it something better, you keep what works and change what doesn't. Sonic's lanky model doesn't work, several parts of the level design don't work, the physics don't work, the voice acting doesn't work, and the hubs certainly do not fucking work. If you're trying to any extent (and don't tell me you aren't) to follow in the footsteps of Unleashed Project, you have some seriously skewed priorities. Unleashed Project could very well have ported everything from Unleashed's HUD to its voice acting, and it didn't do that because the creators recognized that keeping the improved aspects of the engine they were working with would result in a much prettier and more playable package. The same applies with Paraxade0's Wave Ocean port, which I and likely many others can attest to playing much better than anything presented in this one. Porting every last piece of 06's story, voice acting, and design only makes it the same shitty game with a (barely) new coat of paint.
P.S. It doesn't matter to me whether any of those things are considered "separate mods," because you still ported those things (for some reason) with the intent of them being used with this project and others.
Si je cite ce post, c'est parce que Brianuuu à réagi via un comment sur sa vidéo et voici ce qu'il répond :
+Neko Sol In reply to your post in Sonic Retro, if only the admin can approve me so that I can reply there.
"It's starting to seem to me that this project only exists so that you can prove you're capable of making it happen." LOL which mod doesn't do that? You seriously tell me that Unleashed Project is not "I'm capable of converting things from Sonic Unleashed and make it happen in Sonic Generations.", really? Really.
So what's wrong with porting a so called "Bad game"? Just because generally people think Sonic 06 is bad, does that mean you have the right to shit on people on what they want to do? And don't throw me "bad level design" card, level design in Sonic 06 is NOT bad, for Sonic anyway. Why nobody realize that the aspect that make a level worse is the shitty physics and glitches? Thinking that a game has bad level design base on the physics but not the real reason why it's bad is a pathetic way to judge a level design.
Level design in 06 does work in Sonic Generations, when you say "several parts of the level design don't work", you have the right to point out which part to make the mod better. Do you know that the creator really don't notice much about what things does not work and what does? That's why bad game exists. Just see how Wave Ocean has improved since last year, this is why beta-testers, progress videos and commentors like you need to exist, otherwise you won't see any change in anything. Oh, of course you sure fuck do not know! Because Sonic Unleashed level has the level layout already designed for you, on the exact same fucking engine, you don't even need to worry what works and what doesn't, great job on understanding me sir.
"Sonic's lanky model doesn't work, the physics don't work, the voice acting doesn't work. It doesn't matter to me whether any of those things are considered separate mods, because you still ported those things (for some reason) with the intent of them being used with this project and others." Sonic 06's model, physics and voice do not work, okay that's your opinion, but so what? Are you seriously telling me that you are going to neglect the fact that I make them as separate mods? That's fucking brilliant, that's the whole point of making them as separate mods WTF, you even said that "the creators of Unleashed Project recognized that keeping the improved aspects of the engine they were working with would result in a much prettier and more playable package", then don't fucking use the 2006 Ultimate Pack, lolwut, it's not like I want to force people to use Unleashed Ultimate Pack on Unleashed Project. Just don't fucking use it if you don't want to, no big deal, except for you only.
You just don't like reviewing mods separately do you? Why the fuck do I want to follow the footsteps of Unleashed Project, sure it's a great mod but I do what I want to do, you can say whatever you want, skewed priorities, whatever. And sure fuck I would not follow the tightest S-rank ever. I have my own schedule.
+Paraxade0 's Wave Ocean mod is certainly a good mod. Oh wait, isn't he porting a shitty game? OH SHIT. I know, he has made the stage to fit Sonic Generations boost to win mechanics, but that doesn't mean my mod cannot work in Sonic Generations, as you can see in the video, Sonic is full in capable of boosting and going fast, it is your choice to go fast or slower.
Overall, your post is just as irrelevant as it's used to be, thanks for your comment.
Je trouve sa réponse très juste. C'est vrais quoi, c'est quoi cette haine envers Sonic 2006? Oui c'est un mauvais jeu, mais pas que. C'est surtout un jeu bugé qui fait aussi rire et qui à crée plusieurs meme dans la communauté (du genre le mythique "IT'S NO USE" de Silver, ou les remarques stupides de Sonic dans Crisis City, etc etc). Et surtout, ce mod prouve qu'il est possible de rendre Sonic 2006 meilleur. Le level design marche bien mieux avec le moteur de Sonic Generations, c'est d'ailleurs ça qui est génial avec ce mod, de voir à quel point les deux jeux collent ensemble. Et ça Brian l'a bien compris. Il n'essaye pas de changer les niveaux originaux, car ils marchent déjà avec Sonic Generations, par contre il donne l'option de jouer avec la physique de Sth2006, ou celle de SG. Et ça je suis d'accord avec lui, ce n'est pas négligeable. Si lui il nous montre le mod avec la physique originale, on est pas forcé de l'utiliser, et sa marche putain de bien. Par contre de mon point de vu, ça perd son charme. Bah oui, qu'es-ce que Crisis City sans "THE TORNADO SCARING A CAR!!!" XD.
Enfin bref, moi je trouve ça triste que des gens haissent Sonic 2006 à ce point. Certes c'est mauvais jeu qui a donné un coup dur à Sonic, mais merde çe n'est pas que ça. Il ne faut pas tout jeter comme ça. Surtout que Brianuuu essaye de rendre ce jeu meilleur avec ce mod, et moi je trouve ça dommage que des gens lâchent des post haineux comme ça. On donne presque une seconde chance à ce jeu, et y'en a qui répondent juste "si tu porte chaque millième de Sonic 2006 dans Sonic Generations, ça restera Sonic 2006 avec une nouvelle souffrance". Mais MERDE quoi! NON ca ne sera pas pareil! Car déjà il n'a pas l'intention de tout recopier, non. Il reprend les niveaux, mais il essaye de rendre le reste (et même les niveaux) mieux. Tu veux une différence? Bah déjà pour commencer t'est pas obligé de te taper la physique de Sonic 2006, hein, ensuite avec ça t'a pas les temps de chargement de Sonic 2006 (vous remarquerez que le niveau s'enchaine sans coupure entre chaque portion, comme c'était le cas dans l'original), et puis même avec le Pack 2006, et bien les sensations sont différentes, car on ne porte pas le jeu à partir de rien, mais à partir d'un autre jeu. Le moteur de jeu est différent, et le gameplay le sera aussi. Le jeu se joue mieux dans ce mod qu'avant! Donc non, au final ça ne sera pas un mauvais jeu, et encore moins un mauvais mod, car il est indéniable de remarquer la prouesse incroyable que représente ce mod!
Et puis pourquoi s'acharner sur Brianuuu? Il n'est pas tout seul m'enfin! Regardez dans la description, il cite tout ceux qui l'aident ou qui l'ont aidé de près ou de loin à faire ce mod! DONNONS CETTE SECONDE CHANCE A SONIC 2006!!!
Oui je n’emporte. Mais bon çe truc m'a tellement enragé...